We define a word according to our relationship to that thing and its utility to us. We don’t define it by the relationship of that thing to the planet’s ecosystem.
For instance, to us a can of soda is a beverage. But to the planet it is the product of industrial-scale corn monocultures which rely on pesticides and herbicides and destroy habits and food sources for a variety of insects and animals. The aluminum in the can involves intensive mining which too harms or destroys habits and ecosystem by stripping the surface earth but also through runoff of the extracted materials into streams and lakes.
Our current language and our current definitions of words biases us against the against the world as it is by excluding the role of the things those words describe on our ecosystems and on other species.
Our language manufactures a world of our devising and blinds us to our interactions with the biosphere.
This is why we need a new language.
Our current language tells us how objects and ideas serve us.
But it requires a shift in perception in order to see the consequences of those ideas and objects on the planet’s ecosystem.
This shift in perception is necessary, a precondition to any lasting behavior change. A language that biases us against the systems that support us, as our current one does, and allows us to perceive only a portion of the world is an enemy of the living networks that are in the world now and that precede both language and human beings.
So what is the New Language?
It’s a dictionary… a dictionary that sees everything from the point of view of the our ecosystems and all the interconnected systems that support life on this planet.